Maille Teddy
This piece was started November 2010 and finished June 2011. It consists of approximately 16,250 1/4" ID 18ga rings, in bright aluminum and copper trim. The eyes and hooks were made from 18ga stainless steel.The following weaves were used:
- Straps: rows of half-Persian 3-1 joined by single rows of copper (I think this is Persian dragonback or similar)
- Cups: Dwarf sheet—this is a very dense weave and at 1/2" thick you pretty much cannot see through it.
- Skirt: Elf sheet
- Trim: candy cane cord
- Triangles (support patches behind the cups): half-Persian 3-1 sheet 6
The necklace was just a piece I had around that went well together with the teddy, using Byzantine and some other odd bits.
For those curious about how one counts rings in such a project, I did so by measuring its displacement in water (which was about 3.5 cups) and dividing by the volume of a single ring. The total volume measurement isn't terribly accurate, but the more important ring volume can be easily measured/calculated to several significant digits of accuracy. I estimate that the maximum margin of error in counting the rings is about 250, or about 1/8th of a cup.
UPDATE: When counting the rings in a maille tie and reaching 1,920, it became clear to me that my volumetric estimate must have been grossly inaccurate. Performing a more traditional ring count (breaking it into weaves, then rows/columns/sections and counting those) yielded the much more reasonable 16,250 ring estimate (previously 6,750).
Eventually I will post galleries for the ties (2 styles, neither the usual crappy European style) and various other completed projects, as well as the two big projects I have under way now (a ribbed corset and a mini-maille—not quite micro—women's vest, both entirely in Persian weaves).